This occurs when User Account Control is turned off. When User Account
Control is turned off, administrator privileged accounts run like they did
in Windows XP, and therefore "Run this program as an administrator" is
grayed out in the application compatibility tab.
To turn User Account Control back on (which I'd recommend - it will also
re-enable Internet Explorer Protected Mode and keep you more secure):
Click on Start, Control Panel, and then click User Accounts and Family
Click on "User Accounts", and then you should see "Make changes to your user
account" and a list of tasks. From this list, click "Turn User Account
Control on or off".
Check "Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer" and
then press OK.
Click on "Restart Now". (Save any open documents and close all programs
before doing so).
Hope this helps, have a great day!
Kristan Kenney
Windows Live Butterfly
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