run app remotely?

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Is there any way to run an application remotely? In other words, on machine
A can I run a program (that is on machine B) on machine B and get back the
std out and error?

And I assume I would have to make this call impersonating the user under
whom it would be running on the remote system.
You can set up a service on machine b with a Remoting interface. You can also
set up your "service" in COM+ (realizing a bit of weight for Interop). A web
service interface is another option. The primary issue is setting up an
interface that can be accessed across the network. Following the SOA approach
(very 2.0 Framework), a web service (either ASMX or Remoting) is your best


Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
The application on machine B is not ours. And it's a command line app.

I realize we can wrap it in a program of our own and call that. I was hoping
that maybe Windows provided a way to do that already though.

thanks - dave
Hi David,

I agree with Gregory's suggestion.

Also here is a freeware tool which will need administrative privilege, you
may take a look.


Inside PsExec
PsExec starts an executable on a remote system and controls the input and
output streams of the executable's process so that you can interact with
the executable from the local system. PsExec does so by extracting from its
executable image an embedded Windows service named Psexesvc and copying it
to the Admin$ share of the remote system. PsExec then uses the Windows
Service Control Manager API, which has a remote interface, to start the
Psexesvc service on the remote system.

The Psexesvc service creates a named pipe, psexecsvc, to which PsExec
connects and sends commands that tell the service on the remote system
which executable to launch and which options you've specified. If you
specify the -d (don't wait) switch, the service exits after starting the
executable; otherwise, the service waits for the executable to terminate,
then sends the exit code back to PsExec for it to print on the local

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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