Windows XP run a process with vbscript

Jun 2, 2005
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Is it possible to run a process with a user different of the current user, in order to limit the permission of this process ?
I have to use vbscript.

Thanks for yours answers.
I'm not sure what you are asking. Do you mean on a website like for a forum or just for a login? Do you mean permissions for users on a computer?

...Remember VB script isn't viewable in all browsers.

Thnaks for yours answer,

in fact I have an application in Java which wants to run , with a script, an other application with a different user, and I have to use vbscript.
J have resolved my problem, here after the script

' Lancement d'une application sous uin user
' utilisation de la commande runas

sUser1="EU\st09346" ' user sous lequel est lancé l'aaplication
sCmd1="calc" ' application
sPass1="******"&CHR(13) ' remplacer ****** par le password associé au user

On Error Resume Next
dim WshShell,FSO

set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("Process")
WinPath = WshEnv("SystemRoot")&"\System32\runas.exe"
set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

rc=WshShell.Run("runas /user:" & sUser1 & " " & CHR(34) & sCmd1 & CHR(34), 2, FALSE)
Wscript.Sleep 30 'need to give time for window to open.
WshShell.AppActivate(WinPath) 'make sure we grab the right window to send password to
WshShell.SendKeys sPass1 'send the password to the waiting window.

set WshShell=Nothing
set oArgs=Nothing
set WshEnv=Nothing
set FSO=Nothing

In case anyone comes across this post again, here is a cleaned up version of the vbscript code:
Option Explicit

Dim u, p, c, sh, env, path, rc

u = "username"
p = "password" & Chr(13)
c = "command"

Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set env = sh.Environment("Process")
path = env("SystemRoot")&"\System32\runas.exe"

rc = sh.Run("runas /user:" & u & " " & Chr(34) & c & Chr(34), 2, False)
Wscript.Sleep 30     'need to give time for window to open.
sh.AppActivate(path) 'make sure we grab the right window to send password to
sh.SendKeys p        'send the password to the waiting window.

Set env = Nothing
Set sh=Nothing

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