Run a macro when a cell changes



I'm just having a really bad day I guess. I was wondering if some kind
soul could help.
I have created 12 macros called pastejanuary, pastefebruary, pastemarch
etc etc etc. These are pastespecial operations.
What I would like to do is if the cell $g$1 changes from january to
february, run the macro called pastefebruary.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I created private sub
worksheet_change(by val target as excel range and then asked for the
range $g$1 and range value of February but thats where I ran into
I cannot for the life of me get it to run the pastefebruary macro.

I really would appreciate any help you could give me


Thanks Anne
I did try this earlier on but I probably should have been a bit clearer
for everyone in that I don't really want to run just one macro because
(maybe a bit stupidly) I have created 12 different macros for each
month and when the month changes say to March, I only want to run the
March Macro.
Clear as mud?
Thanks again

Bob Phillips

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

On Error GoTo ws_exit:
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("G1")) Is Nothing Then
With Target
Select Case LCase(.Value)
Case "january": PasteJanuary
Case "february": PasteFebruary
End Select

End With
End If

Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

'This is worksheet event code, which means that it needs to be
'placed in the appropriate worksheet code module, not a standard
'code module. To do this, right-click on the sheet tab, select
'the View Code option from the menu, and paste the code in.



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Dear Bob
I must thank you so much. I am new to vb and even though I was sort of
on the right track, I just couldn't get the old grey matter around it.
I really appreciate your help
Thank you again

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