Run a macro by the number typed in a box/button



I want to create a box or button in which I may type a number to run th
associated macro.
For example: My goal is to sort data for each day of the month. I ma
currently create 31 macro's and 31 buttons, but I would like to have on
button/box to run the day that is in need of sorting. I will have 3
macro's, but only one button. Is this possible


I know this may be slightly longer winded than just a text box sat o
the screen but hope this helps or at least points in the righ

Keep your button on the sheet and have it call the Macro "InputBox"
Sub InputBox()
macro = Application.InputBox("Enter Macro Number")
Run ([macro])
End Sub

Clicking your button will now open an input box which asks for th
macro name you would like to run. If you had a macro called "Print" an
entered Print in this box then that macro would run.


Bob Phillips

How about

Application.Run "Macro" & Day(Date)



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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