Rudders and realism settings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Professor
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I adjusted my current realism settings from easy to medium and noticed that
at takeoff and during flight the plane pulls to the left. I recalibrated the
rudder and the problem recurred. I adjusted the realism settings back to
easy and the problem disappeared. I would appreciate any suggestions since I
would like to increase the realism settings.
Professor said:
I adjusted my current realism settings from easy to medium and noticed that
at takeoff and during flight the plane pulls to the left. I recalibrated the
rudder and the problem recurred. I adjusted the realism settings back to
easy and the problem disappeared. I would appreciate any suggestions since I
would like to increase the realism settings.

Flight Simulator version, aircraft identification (plus the publisher
name if it didn't come with the simulator) and make/model of your
controllers would enhance the ability of people to answer your inquiry.

Some real aircraft actually do that as a consequence of the propeller
torque and the effect the prop wash has on the fuselage and tail. Since
the level of these effects vary with the RPM and/or propeller blade
pitch, the degree of trim required to compensate varies. Someone may be
able to offer some advice on setting the simulator's control surface
sensitivities and null zones though.
The experts of this newsgroup cant help "professor" without the correct
information about the software version, computer model and other crucial
info. Until "professor" posts this data I wish him good luck in findihng
an answer to his problem without the help of many valuable experts found in
these newsgroups.

When postingg, please include information about ther model of your computer,
OS program data, error messages, and other relevant information. Please
confirm that you are in the right newsgroup!



"After trying several useless methods and taking worthless advice: