Remon van Vliet said:
John A. Bailo said:
[the fact that you can easily predict what it actually does]
doesnt apply to the later examples for me though.
I even had trouble with the early examples.
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :subdomain, :name, :email_address,

validates_uniqueness_of :subdomain
validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service,

n => :create

assword, :email_address,

n => :create
Okay, so as a human with an understanding of the semantics of the chosen
names, it looks to me like these validates_foo things describes the account.
The :foo stuff looks like it describes the validate_foo things coming right
before it. For example, "

assword" is what ":validates_confirmation_of"
actually validates the confirmation of. and "

n => :create" is when the
validation occurs (upon creation of the account, is my interpretation).
But then...
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base


roject_manager, :class_name => "Person"
has_many :milestones, :dependent => true
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories, :join_table "categorization"
Does ':class_name => "Person"' modify has_one? Or does it modify

roject_manager? If we're going for consistency, then this says to me that
the "class_name" of "has_one" is "Person". If we're going for common sense,
the programmer probably meant to say that project managers are people.
So is this an error in the code? Or is this correct Ruby code? I have no
You can recognize truth by
its beauty and simplicity.
When you get it right, it is
obvious that it is right.
Richard Feynman, Scientist
This wasn't at all obvious to me. What was also amusing to me was that
immediately after that quote, the first example given was:
Account.transaction(david, mary) do
and this is a textbook example of how NOT to do a bank account transaction
system (threading issues, lack of check for sufficient funds, etc.).
- Oliver