My mail message format default is RTF, which is what I need. But every once
in a while, I like to write a msg in HTML to friends and family because I'll
send embedded graphics. I'm tired of having clicking new message, then on
the option to change to text format and then to change to html. Is there a
more direct route to pull up an html new msg without going, say, the blank
stationery msg route? That's all that occurs to me to do, but it's a drag
as I'd have to remember to carry around a blank html msg to each new
contract and dump it in the stationery fldr on top of all the other stuff I
carry around <g>.
Thanks much.
in a while, I like to write a msg in HTML to friends and family because I'll
send embedded graphics. I'm tired of having clicking new message, then on
the option to change to text format and then to change to html. Is there a
more direct route to pull up an html new msg without going, say, the blank
stationery msg route? That's all that occurs to me to do, but it's a drag
as I'd have to remember to carry around a blank html msg to each new
contract and dump it in the stationery fldr on top of all the other stuff I
carry around <g>.
Thanks much.