Brett Miller
Part of the current project that I'm working on requires me to write to a
printer, I have ported the routines from an old project and have implemented
them using the OpenNETCF.IO.Serial Namespace, and everything works fine
To toggle the printer on and off in my old software, (rs232) The DTR line is
high by default, I pull the line low for 1,2 seconds and then release it
high again, to toggle the printer on/off (if the printer is on this turns it
off, and vice versa)
I'm am required to turn the printer on and off using the DTR line states.
Now the line state is set to high (.DTREnable = true) on startup, when I am
required to turn the printer on, I toggle the lines as explained before
(i.e. .DTREnable = false ) and sleep the thread for 1,2 secs.
This only works if the printer is on. (so it only turns it off)
I have measured the voltage on the DTR line with an oscilloscope, and when
the printer is OFF or unplugged, and I change the line states (DTR)
(.DTREnable = True / False). There is no movement on the line at all, this
property does nothing, no voltage movement at all.
Am I missing something???
Please any Comment, Suggestions or Help is very much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Best Regards
Part of the current project that I'm working on requires me to write to a
printer, I have ported the routines from an old project and have implemented
them using the OpenNETCF.IO.Serial Namespace, and everything works fine
To toggle the printer on and off in my old software, (rs232) The DTR line is
high by default, I pull the line low for 1,2 seconds and then release it
high again, to toggle the printer on/off (if the printer is on this turns it
off, and vice versa)
I'm am required to turn the printer on and off using the DTR line states.
Now the line state is set to high (.DTREnable = true) on startup, when I am
required to turn the printer on, I toggle the lines as explained before
(i.e. .DTREnable = false ) and sleep the thread for 1,2 secs.
This only works if the printer is on. (so it only turns it off)
I have measured the voltage on the DTR line with an oscilloscope, and when
the printer is OFF or unplugged, and I change the line states (DTR)
(.DTREnable = True / False). There is no movement on the line at all, this
property does nothing, no voltage movement at all.
Am I missing something???
Please any Comment, Suggestions or Help is very much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Best Regards