Hi Joshua,
Have you seen the following Microsoft Knowledge Base Article (partial quote below)?
KB257954 - Random Files May Not Be Copied During Text-Mode Setup
This behavior can occur because of any of the following reasons:
The Windows CD-ROM is damaged or dirty.
PC133 SDRAM is being used in a computer that requires PC100 SDRAM.
The CD-ROM drive is malfunctioning.
The RAM is mismatched or the memory is faulty."
And on the subject of faulty RAM, here's what another user with the same problem had
to say about it:
----- Begin Original Message -----
From: "Jim Smith"
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.setup
Sent: Friday 2002/07/26 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Setup cannot copy the file ....
I have found this to me a RAM problem, not a CD or HD problem. The CPU
decompresses the files on the CD and writes them to the HD, if RAM is
flakey, files will not be decompressed correctly and when setup does a
verify, it fails. I fought with this problem for almost a day before I
replaced my RAM and it went away.
----- End Original Message -----
And on the subject of testing for faulty RAM. If you are running an Intel I386
architecture system, you can download MemTest86 to test your RAM:
http://www.memtest86.com/. Or if you have more than one module and it could be
mismatched RAM or a single faulty module, you could try removing all but
one module before running setup. If necessary, try another single module until you
(hopefully) find one that allows setup to run properly.
Another workaround if it is, or could be, faulty RAM, is to copy the \i386 folder to
the hard drive and run WINNT.EXE from there.
If you need information on how to create the temporary folder on an unformatted
volume using the Windows 2000 Recovery Console, see the following chapter and section
for a general idea of the method:
Windows 2000 Professional > Resource Kits > Troubleshooting:
CHAPTER 32: Troubleshooting Tools and Strategies
SECTION: Using the Recovery Console to Create a Winnt Folder on a Volume
Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- c x g
: "Joshua J. Webb" <kumite77 AT hotmail DOT com>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 01:02 PM
: I am a student among many in the class trying to install
: windows 2000 Professional. The format process completes
: fine. While installing the files the setup stops at file
: rpcss.dll and will not will not load. We can skip the
: file and continue with the process. We have checked the
: knowledge base and found a way to resolve the problem
: after the op is installed, but would like to find a way
: to fix the problem and install the file during setup.
: Could it be a CD-ROM/HDD problem? Thank you.