


Hello,I need help ,why Im reciving rpc and that shut down
my computer?

Learn to keep windows updated with windows updater and learn to use virus

Because it's probably Blaster worm or other viruses that used RPC
Get yourself a viruskiller and firewall and keep your windows updated.


besides that....

Here's 5 steps that EVERY computer owner should do (or have for last two
steps) if they want to make sure their system is not infested with spyware,
trojans and viruses... And even these steps are not 100% perfect.

1. first download download spybot seek & destroy from
install it, update it, and RUN it...

2. second, AdAware from www.lavasoft.de install it, update it, RUN
--- sofar you should have quite spyware free system ---

3. third, download spywareblaster
http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html install it, "update" it
and RUN it...

--- after this you should have system that's protected from some spyware
stuff, not ALL though ---

4. get yourself virus killer if you do not have... www.grisoft.com has free
virus killer it you bother dig up more their site to download free version,
install, update and run it...

--- after this your system should be protected from most viruses ---

5. get yourself FIREWALL if you do not have it... Usually free firewall like
ZoneAlarm (www.zonelabs.com) will do...

--- and after this step, you should beable to see when something in your
system tries to connect outside from your system etc ---

1st and 2nd steps are both good programs, but I never trust only one of them
myself because i am bit too paranoid with my network security. So i run
both.. both are good, but nothing is perfect so better be sure...

spywareblaster "protects" your system from spyware etc. so it's also good
idea to run it...

virus killer and firewall are usually VERY important part, If you have winXP
you might have it's inbuilt firewall on, that helps some, but it does not
show outbound connections that are sometimes very good to "notice"

and remember to UPDATE/RUN those programs now and then just to stay safe
side on things...


Your computer is now infected with the W32.Blaster.Worm or
one of its variants. This happened because you have not
been using an internet connection firewall and have
apparently neglected to install the critical updates
available at the Windows Update website.
If your computer is constantly attempting to shutdown
or reboot, quickly go to:

Start > Run and type: CMD , and hit enter.
This opens the Command Prompt window.

Then type: shutdown -a , and hit enter.

This should halt the rebooting problem.
Then immediately turn-on Windows XP's built-in Firewall:
(To enable the built-in firewall, go to:
Control Panel, double-click Networking and Internet
Connections, then click Network Connections. Right-click
your connection, then
Click Properties, and on the Advanced tab, click the option
"Protect my computer and network..." Note: the built in
firewall only monitors incoming traffic not outgoing (ie
spyware, trojans, etc.. you may have on your system).)

Special note if you use AOL:
America Online installs its own connection settings that
the ones that come with Windows XP. America Online's
connection settings don't include a way to turn on Windows
built-in firewall.

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm and Its

A tool is available to remove Blaster worm and Nachi worm
infections from computers
that are running Windows 2000 or Windows XP

A security issue has been identified that could allow an
attacker to
remotely compromise a computer running Microsoft Windows
gain complete control over it. You can help protect your
by installing this update from Microsoft.

Above courtesy of MVP Carey
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

***Install a good firewall. ZoneAlarm is a free one you
can install.
Install a good anti-virus program making sure you keep
it's definitions up to date! ***
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-39

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm

Protect Your PC

W32.Blaster.Worm a.k.a. W32/Lovesan.Worm

W32.Blaster.Worm Removal Tool

W32.Welchia.Worm a.k.a. W32/Nachi.Worm

W32.Welchia.Worm Removal Tool

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