I am having a problem with one computer on my network that
has 2 NIC's. One NIC is connected to my Domain
via DHCP while the other is connected to a local LAN
running some equipment on a private IP range 172.16.x.x
I keep getting an error in the Event log
Event ID: 5719 Source: NETLOGON
No Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller is
available for domain SUMTER. The following error occurred:
The RPC server is unavailable.
Any Ideas on how to resolve this problem?
I have updated Drivers on Both NIC's
Replaced Network Cable
Windows 2000 SP3
Virus Scan has been kept updated via ePO
has 2 NIC's. One NIC is connected to my Domain
via DHCP while the other is connected to a local LAN
running some equipment on a private IP range 172.16.x.x
I keep getting an error in the Event log
Event ID: 5719 Source: NETLOGON
No Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller is
available for domain SUMTER. The following error occurred:
The RPC server is unavailable.
Any Ideas on how to resolve this problem?
I have updated Drivers on Both NIC's
Replaced Network Cable
Windows 2000 SP3
Virus Scan has been kept updated via ePO