i was trying to run the Windows Disk Manager under Control
Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Storage>Disk Management.
when i click on Disk Management, the message: RPC Server is Unavailable
appears. it also says Unable to connect to Logical Disk Manager Service
in the bottom toolbar.
i checked my services, and Local Disk Manager is started.
in addition, i also can't get Disk Defragmenter to work...
any solutions?

i was trying to run the Windows Disk Manager under Control
Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Storage>Disk Management.
when i click on Disk Management, the message: RPC Server is Unavailable
appears. it also says Unable to connect to Logical Disk Manager Service
in the bottom toolbar.
i checked my services, and Local Disk Manager is started.
in addition, i also can't get Disk Defragmenter to work...
any solutions?