i've a SBS server with 2 NIC a Local NIC ( and a public IP on
the other NIC. So i conifigure RPC-HTTP (SBS 2003 Sp1 - Exch2003 sp2) and all
works fine but the problem come when i try to communicate with server from
internet. The FQDN of RPC-HTTP has 2 IP so the Round Robin DNS configuration
show or the public ip or the private ip so external client doesn't work.
there is a way to use a different name from FQDN? e.g. if FQDN is
server.domain.com may i use mail.domain.com (with only public ip). I try but
when outlook try to connect use the FQDN.
THanks in advance.
i've a SBS server with 2 NIC a Local NIC ( and a public IP on
the other NIC. So i conifigure RPC-HTTP (SBS 2003 Sp1 - Exch2003 sp2) and all
works fine but the problem come when i try to communicate with server from
internet. The FQDN of RPC-HTTP has 2 IP so the Round Robin DNS configuration
show or the public ip or the private ip so external client doesn't work.
there is a way to use a different name from FQDN? e.g. if FQDN is
server.domain.com may i use mail.domain.com (with only public ip). I try but
when outlook try to connect use the FQDN.
THanks in advance.