As you say to want to 'print' the result you might like to consider using a
report with a subreport rather than a crosstab query.
1. Base the main report on a query on the Employees table (assuming you
have one), returning the Emp# and Name columns
2. Base the subreport on a query similar to your current query, but
returning only the Emp# and Amount columns.
3. Link the main and subreports on Emp#.
4. Set up the subreport as a 3-column layouit with 'across then down'
5. Position the subreport immediately to the right of the Emp# and Name
columns in the main report.
You'll find an example of this at:
I originally produced the file in response to a question by a reader of a
magazine column written by a contact of mine; it lists people (club members)
by address in a horizontal layout similar to that which you want for the
The file also includes a single report solution in which the layout is
amended in code at runtime. This was intended to show that this could be
done, but I'd not recommend it as the subreport solution is far simpler, and
the end result is identical in each case.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England