Alex Y
I am invoking the following code from a form to number rows (thanks to
Stephan Lebans, Chris Bergmans and Allen Browne):
Public Function RowNum(frm As Form) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_RowNum
'Purpose: Numbering the rows on a form.
'Usage: Text box with ControlSource of: =RowNum([Form])
With frm.RecordsetClone
.Bookmark = frm.Bookmark
RowNum = .AbsolutePosition + 1
End With
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 3021& Then 'Ignore "No bookmark" at new row.
Debug.Print "RowNum() error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End If
RowNum = Null
Resume Exit_RowNum
End Function
Question: Instead of ordering the rows with numbers, how can I incorporate
the following additional code to convert the row number into Roman numerals?
Public Function Num2Roman(ByVal N As Integer) As String
Const Digits = "IVXLCDM"
Dim I As Integer, Digit As Integer, Temp As String
I = 1
Temp = ""
N = RowNum(frm as Form)
Do While N > 0
Digit = N Mod 10
N = N \ 10
Select Case Digit
Case 1
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 2
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 3
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & _
Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 4
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 2) & Temp
Case 5
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Temp
Case 6
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 7
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & _
Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 8
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & _
Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 9
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I + 2, 1) & Temp
End Select
I = I + 2
Num2Roman = Temp
End Function
Thanks for any help.
Stephan Lebans, Chris Bergmans and Allen Browne):
Public Function RowNum(frm As Form) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_RowNum
'Purpose: Numbering the rows on a form.
'Usage: Text box with ControlSource of: =RowNum([Form])
With frm.RecordsetClone
.Bookmark = frm.Bookmark
RowNum = .AbsolutePosition + 1
End With
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 3021& Then 'Ignore "No bookmark" at new row.
Debug.Print "RowNum() error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
End If
RowNum = Null
Resume Exit_RowNum
End Function
Question: Instead of ordering the rows with numbers, how can I incorporate
the following additional code to convert the row number into Roman numerals?
Public Function Num2Roman(ByVal N As Integer) As String
Const Digits = "IVXLCDM"
Dim I As Integer, Digit As Integer, Temp As String
I = 1
Temp = ""
N = RowNum(frm as Form)
Do While N > 0
Digit = N Mod 10
N = N \ 10
Select Case Digit
Case 1
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 2
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 3
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & _
Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 4
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 2) & Temp
Case 5
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Temp
Case 6
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 7
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & _
Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 8
Temp = Mid(Digits, I + 1, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & _
Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Temp
Case 9
Temp = Mid(Digits, I, 1) & Mid(Digits, I + 2, 1) & Temp
End Select
I = I + 2
Num2Roman = Temp
End Function
Thanks for any help.