Sorry, my first suggestion was certainly wrong.
In .RowFilter = "Artist = 'Guns N'' Roses'", are you using 2 single quotes
after the N ?
(2Artist=1Guns N11Roses12)
That should work as far as I can see. (haven't tried it.)
and the first one should be :
.RowFilter = "Place='Joe''s Place'" (2Place=1Joe11s Place12)
Unfortunitly that doesn't work either. For this line of code:
MyView.RowFilter = "Artist = ''Guns N'' Roses''"
I get: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SyntaxErrorException'
occurred in
Additional information: Syntax error: Missing operand after 'Guns' operator.
If I change it to MyView.RowFilter = "Artist = 'Guns N'' Roses'" ;
additional tick after the N
I don't get an error but the filter is actually set to "Artist = 'Guns N''
Roses" (Two ticks after the N) and it doesn't not reconize the record for
Artist = 'Guns N' Roses (one tick ofter the N)
I really can't believe this is as agrivating as it is. Escape codes doen't
work; \' and bracketing doesn't work [']
Jan said:
Have you tried "escaping" (Replace each single quote by two single quotes)
them ?
.RowFilter = "Place=''Joe''s Place''"