I have a table and one of the columns of this table contains a key that
references another row in the same table. When I open this table I would
like this column to be a combo box showing the key for all of the available
rows. This would be simple to do, except I want to filter this dropdown
based on the value of another column...
Table: Places
Key: Autonumber
Name: Text - textbox
City: Text - textbox
OtherPlace: Number - combobox (link to same table KEY field)
So when I open the table and click a field in the OTHERPLACE column I will
see a list of all the NAMEs from this table that have the same CITYas the
row I've clicked on.
The following query explains what I'm trying to do, but obviously doesn't
SELECT Name, Key FROM Places WHERE City = SelectedRow.City;
....So, how do I filter based on the selected row? What should the RowSource
of this combobox be? Remember this is a query for a rowsource in a table and
not on a form, so no VBA can be used.
....and how complex is this question? Should I be kicking myself in the ass
for not knowing? : )
references another row in the same table. When I open this table I would
like this column to be a combo box showing the key for all of the available
rows. This would be simple to do, except I want to filter this dropdown
based on the value of another column...
Table: Places
Key: Autonumber
Name: Text - textbox
City: Text - textbox
OtherPlace: Number - combobox (link to same table KEY field)
So when I open the table and click a field in the OTHERPLACE column I will
see a list of all the NAMEs from this table that have the same CITYas the
row I've clicked on.
The following query explains what I'm trying to do, but obviously doesn't
SELECT Name, Key FROM Places WHERE City = SelectedRow.City;
....So, how do I filter based on the selected row? What should the RowSource
of this combobox be? Remember this is a query for a rowsource in a table and
not on a form, so no VBA can be used.
....and how complex is this question? Should I be kicking myself in the ass
for not knowing? : )