Thomas Spellman
I need to use some functions like avg() and stdev(), but only on multiple
fields in the current row, not on a whole column, as is the default. Would
someone please recommend some way of doing this? For example, I have 3
columns, param1, param2, param3, and I want to show those on the report, but
to add three more calculated fields, paramMean, paramStdev, and
paramPrecision, based on those fields. I'm unable to use
avg(param1,param2,param3) as I am in excel, since it's an SQL aggregate
function. when I try to do it simply like "=(param1 + param2 + param3)/3"
then it fails to work if any of the fields are null, and would not be
accurate even if it considered a null as a zero. Any suggestions? I've
thought of writing a function, but it would need to be able to handle a
variable number of arguments. Is this possible?
fields in the current row, not on a whole column, as is the default. Would
someone please recommend some way of doing this? For example, I have 3
columns, param1, param2, param3, and I want to show those on the report, but
to add three more calculated fields, paramMean, paramStdev, and
paramPrecision, based on those fields. I'm unable to use
avg(param1,param2,param3) as I am in excel, since it's an SQL aggregate
function. when I try to do it simply like "=(param1 + param2 + param3)/3"
then it fails to work if any of the fields are null, and would not be
accurate even if it considered a null as a zero. Any suggestions? I've
thought of writing a function, but it would need to be able to handle a
variable number of arguments. Is this possible?