Row incrementation not working.



I am trying to compare rows on two worksheets in same workbook. The compare
should work but when I try to increment down using hte counter it blows up. I
have a little experience with c and this works there. All help appreciated!

Sub Compare_Tests()
Dim i As Integer ' use to increment thru worksheet
Dim cutrange As Range ' new data to move if changed

i = 3 'counter

Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) 'runs entire length of all sheets in variable
If Worksheets("well tests").Range("si") <>
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("ti") Then ' if AOF <>
Set cutrange = ("Hi:Oi") 'cut observations
cutrange.Cut Destination:=Worksheets("well tests").Range("Gi:Ni") ' paste
Worksheets("well tests").Range("ai").Value = "new" ' identify as new
End If
i = i + 1 ' move down a row
Exit Do

Tom Ogilvy

Sub Compare_Tests()
Dim i As Integer ' use to increment thru worksheet
Dim cutrange As Range ' new data to move if changed

i = 3 'counter

Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) 'runs entire length of all sheets in variable
If Worksheets("well tests").Range("s" & i) <> _
Worksheets("sheet1").Range("t" & i) Then
' if AOF <>
Set cutrange = ("H" & i & ":O" & i) 'cut observations
cutrange.Cut Destination:=Worksheets("well tests").Range("G" & _
i & ":" & N" & i) ' paste
Worksheets("well tests").Range("a" & i).Value = "new" ' identify as
End If
i = i + 1 ' move down a row
Exit Do

Spacing is important. i & and i& are two different things (for example)

i& means i has a type of long (implicit typing)

i & uses & as a concatenation operator

you want the latter.


Thanks Tom for the quick reply. I did not know about theimplicit type siiue
(not in my book)

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