I have 2 Datagrids on a form in a master/detail relationship.
Master Grid Datasource is a DataView dvOrders and the Detail Grid Datasource
is the same dataview with DataMember set to the relationship
All works perfectly as long as there are rows in dvOrders.
The problem arises when a filter is applied to dvOrders which yields no
rows. The Master Datagrid rightfully displays no rows, but the Detail
Datagrid displays the first row in the OrderLineItem table.
Is there a way to set up the databinding to have the detail datagrid reflect
the fact that there are no rows associated with the master since there is no
master row?
The only way I've made the UI work is to have separate Dataviews for each
grid and manually code separate row filters for each dataview. This is not
very elegant.
Master Grid Datasource is a DataView dvOrders and the Detail Grid Datasource
is the same dataview with DataMember set to the relationship
All works perfectly as long as there are rows in dvOrders.
The problem arises when a filter is applied to dvOrders which yields no
rows. The Master Datagrid rightfully displays no rows, but the Detail
Datagrid displays the first row in the OrderLineItem table.
Is there a way to set up the databinding to have the detail datagrid reflect
the fact that there are no rows associated with the master since there is no
master row?
The only way I've made the UI work is to have separate Dataviews for each
grid and manually code separate row filters for each dataview. This is not
very elegant.