Hi there , I'm experiencing problems accessing a row for which i called the my_row.Delete(), I need to access the row
as I can do if I call on my_table.rejectChanges().I need some data from that row
the general idea of the code is as brought in the code below, it fails on access to the row where the code is
- ((DataRow)enum_rows.Current
please send some code example if you can
changed_rows = tbl_deleted.Rows
IEnumerator enum_rows = changed_rows.GetEnumerator()
//on each row we try to get the parameters, if successfull
//we try writing to the the D
object[] arr_vals = ((DataRow)enum_rows.Current).ItemArray
for(int i = 0;i<arr_names.Length;i++
//ht- Hashtabl
ht[arr_names] = arr_vals
}//for loo
as I can do if I call on my_table.rejectChanges().I need some data from that row
the general idea of the code is as brought in the code below, it fails on access to the row where the code is
- ((DataRow)enum_rows.Current
please send some code example if you can
changed_rows = tbl_deleted.Rows
IEnumerator enum_rows = changed_rows.GetEnumerator()
//on each row we try to get the parameters, if successfull
//we try writing to the the D
object[] arr_vals = ((DataRow)enum_rows.Current).ItemArray
for(int i = 0;i<arr_names.Length;i++
//ht- Hashtabl
ht[arr_names] = arr_vals
}//for loo