"Martin" said:
I am trying to connect to two different routers through
one NIC. One router connects to a major company's
Intranet and the other connects to Internet via an ADSL
Router. How do I configure Windows XP Pro to work,
effectively accessing the Internet and the Intranet
through two separate routers?
If I understand correctly, you want to use the ADSL router to connect
to the Internet and the other router to connect to the company
To the best of my knowledge, that isn't possible with one NIC.
Install a second NIC and connect each router to its own NIC. That
will create two LAN connections in the Network Connections folder.
Specify a "metric" for each network connection, giving a lower number
to the one that connects to the ADSL router. To assign a metric to a
network connection:
1. Open the Network Connections folder.
2. Right click the desired connection.
3. Click Properties | Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
4. Click Properties | Advanced.
5. Un-check "Automatic metric".
6. Enter a number between 1 and 9999 for the "Interface metric".
Check with the company's technical staff to make sure that your
configuration is OK. Some companies don't allow separate Internet
connections on computers connected to their Intranet, since the
Internet connection is outside the company firewall and could be a
security risk.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)
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for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
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