I have internet access through a cable modem, no router
(yet). Recently got knocked offline, went to Control
Panel> Network Connections> Local Area Connection> right
clicked chose Status>support page. There my IP address was
A 192.*.*.*, this is a router IP addy. As a ISP help desk
tech I have noted several WinXP units doing this and some
(I am not sure of all) are also using Norton Internet
Security. None are behind a router, anyone know of an
explanation for this behavior? Using the repair option
corrected the IP addy, no worm or virus infections ever on
this computer...
Be clear in your message; GOD Listens.
(yet). Recently got knocked offline, went to Control
Panel> Network Connections> Local Area Connection> right
clicked chose Status>support page. There my IP address was
A 192.*.*.*, this is a router IP addy. As a ISP help desk
tech I have noted several WinXP units doing this and some
(I am not sure of all) are also using Norton Internet
Security. None are behind a router, anyone know of an
explanation for this behavior? Using the repair option
corrected the IP addy, no worm or virus infections ever on
this computer...
Be clear in your message; GOD Listens.