Router IP address

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chazz
  • Start date Start date


I have internet access through a cable modem, no router
(yet). Recently got knocked offline, went to Control
Panel> Network Connections> Local Area Connection> right
clicked chose Status>support page. There my IP address was
A 192.*.*.*, this is a router IP addy. As a ISP help desk
tech I have noted several WinXP units doing this and some
(I am not sure of all) are also using Norton Internet
Security. None are behind a router, anyone know of an
explanation for this behavior? Using the repair option
corrected the IP addy, no worm or virus infections ever on
this computer...

Be clear in your message; GOD Listens.
This is an issue of your ISP not Windows.

Your ISP may be provisioning 192.xx.xx.xx private range addresses in order
to keep the costs of owning Class A, B, C addresses down.

Additionally they may of configured your cable modem (depending on the
model) as an IGD device. This is becoming more prevelent in lieu of my
former comments.