Router/Firewall ?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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I read that a router also acts as a firewall. I assume, as a non-techy, that this does not happen automatically. Does it have to be set up in some way?

I looked through all the blurb that came with my Thomson Speedtouch 585v6 and can find nothing about firewalls. Have I misconstrued ?
I belive yes that a router acts as a firewall . I hope mine is set up so . How you set up yours , either google or wait for one of the clever folk here to help you .

it does have a firewall, if you log in click on 'toolbox', under the toolbox there is a parental control option to block websites or redirect them to a website of your choice as well as the firewall and intrusion detection
Your Firewall

Its best to turn off your software firewall, because you will have conflict all over the place.
Just use the hardware firewall and see what ports need to be opened (if any):wall:
Your fire wall keeps outside sources from requesting access to your network. With a physical firewall you have no need for a software one!:)
CoachMS said:
Its best to turn off your software firewall, because you will have conflict all over the place.
Just use the hardware firewall and see what ports need to be opened (if any):wall:
Your fire wall keeps outside sources from requesting access to your network. With a physical firewall you have no need for a software one!:)

If you don't mind me saying so your info above is rubbish .

Even with a routers firewall it is always best to run software firewall and anti-virus programs all the time the pc is switched on . Not so important if you use linux appaerently .

It is my opinion that if you use a true firewall, Sonicwall or a Cisco and even some netgears, there is no need for the windows base firewall.
you tread on my toes

CoachMS said:
It is my opinion that if you use a true firewall, Sonicwall or a Cisco and even some netgears, there is no need for the windows base firewall.
Sorry, but most "people" have no clue as to what a Firewall is, never mind knowing if they have a "true" hardware firewall.

You give a slight inclination you know what your doing, however, most of our readers do not ... hence the original post in the first place. :rolleyes:

To post your original remark " ... you have no need for a software one ... " is just plane irresponsible. A one-post-wonder-know-it-all.

Most Router/Modems are NAT Firewalls and NOT true hardware firewalls, which can be quite easily circumvented.

A "Software Firewall" is always recommended here at PCReview for several reasons ... it is a second line of defence, in general they are easier to setup, and, more importantly is the fact it will/should inform you of any suspicious behaviour of any outbound traffic.

Sorry to step on your toes. :bow: I felt since she was talking about a router, and her question was about a physical firewall. By default a firewalls purpose is to stop incoming traffic and allowing all out going traffic. We could argue all day about fire walls and both of us would be right.:)
It comes down to the level of security vs. usablitly. She could lock down her system with so much security she would feel constipated. But, as you so graciously pointed out most of the readers dont have the knowledge to manipulate around all of that security! Sure, you and I could but I am not sure about 90% of the population. So what do you do! :nod:
I am of the opinion that one, The only need for a firewall is to stop incoming Hackers traffic. Two, Hackers arent thinking of Joe Blow's network of Mom, Dad and Johnny! For the inexperienced user a firewall can be a hugh hassel, when it comes to connecting your computers, printers and creating backups at home.
So here we stand two gun slinger in the wild west! :lol: I feel for a home user it is either /or and I choose the hardware before the desktop software!Block it before they get into your computer.;) Would you rather stop a burglar before they break in to your home or stop them while they are standing over you in your bedroom!:p

ps.-its "plain" irresponsible! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr