rounding up or down



I need a formula the will round numbers up and down as this is for a golf
society numbers ending in .5 are rounded up (don't ask me why this is done !!)
please help


Assume the number to be rounded is in A1, then this formula in another cell,
such as B1, will do it:
Numbers like 4.01 4.1, 4.2, 4.49 will round to 4
Numbers like 4.5, 4.6 ... 4.99 will round to 5

As for why it's done, it's a standard math 'rule': decimal values of .5 or
greater round UP to the next value, less than 5 (or .5) round down. As you
can see from the ROUND() function, it follows that rule.

Matt Richardson

I need a formula the will round numbers up and down as this is for a golf
society numbers ending in .5 are rounded up (don't ask me why this is done !!)
please help

As well as the ROUND function, Excel also has two other functions
which are specifically there for either rounding up or down, ROUNDUP
and ROUNDDOWN respectively.


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