I knew I'd seen it somewhere ... <g>
As another alternative, setting a reference to the Excel object model
and use Excel's Trunc() function in Access.
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I think the Trunc() funstion applies to Excel, maybe SQL. Try this
instead: =Int([YourField]*100)/100
Gina Whipp
"I feel I have been denied critical, need to know, information!" -
Tremors II
Thanks Jeff for the timely response,
Yes, I just want Access to truncate the decimals instead of rounding
them. But I can't seem to find the Trunc() function in Access. I went
ahead and tried using it but Access didn't recognize it. Excel has a
Trunc function but Access does not. Go figure! Any other
Perhaps there's a difference of definition for "rounding".
The standard 'rule' for rounding would turn 54.98... into 55.0,
rounded to the nearest tenth.
If what you want is to discard all decimal places after the tenth,
take a look at the Trunc() function.
Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I have a calculated field on a form that produces a number with
several decimal places. Access will automatically round up the
result to the nearest tenth.
for example. the calculated field produces: 54.9876543210
access will round up to: 55.0
I want it to display: 54.9
How do I stop Access from rounding this calculated number.