I've put a calculated unbound control on report but it seems to be ignoring
the rounding. Here's the formula in Control Source property:
=Round([Calls]/[Total Calls],2)
It's then formatted as Percent with 0 decimals.
If I use =Round([Calls]/[Total Calls],4) then format Percent with 1 or 2
decimals, I can see the number is not rounding. For example, it shows 18.5%
when formatted with 1 decimal using rounding to 4 places, but shows 18% when
formatted with 0 decimals and rounding to 2 places - it should show 19%
The [Calls] field does not contain decimal numbers and is formatted in
original table as Integer. For the report, an aggregate query was used to
totals Calls grouped by Month. [Total Calls] is calculated on report only
(doesn't come from query). DB is Access 2000
Thanks for any help,
the rounding. Here's the formula in Control Source property:
=Round([Calls]/[Total Calls],2)
It's then formatted as Percent with 0 decimals.
If I use =Round([Calls]/[Total Calls],4) then format Percent with 1 or 2
decimals, I can see the number is not rounding. For example, it shows 18.5%
when formatted with 1 decimal using rounding to 4 places, but shows 18% when
formatted with 0 decimals and rounding to 2 places - it should show 19%
The [Calls] field does not contain decimal numbers and is formatted in
original table as Integer. For the report, an aggregate query was used to
totals Calls grouped by Month. [Total Calls] is calculated on report only
(doesn't come from query). DB is Access 2000
Thanks for any help,