Having a bit of trouble with rounding and math.sqrt.
I have below a small function that generates a 4 diget code from the
square root of the date.
Public Function Generate() As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim s As String = Today.ToString("ddMMyyyy")
n = Integer.Parse(s)
n = CInt(Math.Sqrt(n))
Return n.ToString("0000")
End Function
How ever when i have a day that has a decimal place higher than 5 the
last number is rounded up.
square root of the 12/03/2007 is 3468.7183512069699314940377884052
however using the above function it returns 3469
Anyone know how i can stop this rounding and just to read the 1st for
Thanks in advance,
I have below a small function that generates a 4 diget code from the
square root of the date.
Public Function Generate() As String
Dim n As Integer
Dim s As String = Today.ToString("ddMMyyyy")
n = Integer.Parse(s)
n = CInt(Math.Sqrt(n))
Return n.ToString("0000")
End Function
How ever when i have a day that has a decimal place higher than 5 the
last number is rounded up.
square root of the 12/03/2007 is 3468.7183512069699314940377884052
however using the above function it returns 3469
Anyone know how i can stop this rounding and just to read the 1st for
Thanks in advance,