Rotating video files?

  • Thread starter Thread starter SecretSquirrel
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Anyone know of a way or program to rotate a short movie file (mpeg I

PapaJohn (MVP) said:
MM2 can rotate it in 90 degree increments.... Virtual Dub can do it at any

Papajohn, this is not exactly correct. Please see below:

To the original poster: Please explain how? What sort of rotation do you
want ? Anticlockwise/Clockwise at the center ? Continuous or static.

Static rotation effects are part of WMM. Rotate 90 Rotate 180 etc. The
following two custom effects rotate the image/video clocwise and
anticlockwise "continuously". I dont know why would you would like to have
it though as it looks pretty funny :D

<TransitionsAndEffects Version="1.0" >
<EffectDLL guid="{B4DC8DD9-2CC1-4081-9B2B-20D7030234EF}">
<Effect name="Rotate Clockwise" iconid="74" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="right" />
<Effect name="Rotate Anti-Clockwise" iconid="74" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="left" />

You're right in that we don't know enough about what Secret Squirrel wants
to do to make any more specific suggestions....

..... and Adobe Premiere and other editing apps can rotate video also.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

Hi SS,

Do you want your video to be repeated time after time or a series of videos
repeated etc There are a number of programs that can do that and even
broadcast them across the Internet as well. See the links on my website and
check out WEBCAM SOFTWARE......the source does not HAVE to be a webcam of
course but the software they use can do exactly what you might be looking fact until I redesigned my web site I used to have a camera
sending real time video from two separate cameras...and every few minutes
it would switch to a still image ...usually a joke and then back to the
rotating camera shots. That software is still in use Niagara Falls
(Sheraton Hotel) and places like that the software I use is called WebCam32
and is quite cheap.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I've got a short video clip that was filmed in error by someone else - so
it's in portrait mode, if you like. Need to rotate it 90 degrees clockwise -
and want it static once it's rotated.

Simply apply the "Rotate 90" video effect in
Movie Maker, as PapaJohn originally suggested.

Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Bob said:
Simply apply the "Rotate 90" video effect in
Movie Maker, as PapaJohn originally suggested.

Thanks for all the replies. I will try MM as originally suggested. (
solution staring me in the face all along! )

John Kelly said:
Hi there,

OK then, its the Rotate Effect you want in Movie Maker.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

It's worked just as you said it would, but it's stretched the image
slightly. (wider then it should be) Any 'easy' solution to this one?

Doesn't matter if there isn't. At least my neck no longer hurts watching it!

It's worked just as you said it would, but it's stretched the image
slightly. (wider then it should be) Any 'easy' solution to this one?

Doesn't matter if there isn't. At least my neck no longer hurts watching

Hi SecretSquirrel,

There is a solution!

Use my custom effects below to achieve aspect-ratio preserving rotation.
These are static rotations as you want but does not introduce the stretching
as happens with the default Rotate effects.

Hope this helps.


<TransitionsAndEffects Version="1.0" >
<EffectDLL guid="{B4DC8DD9-2CC1-4081-9B2B-20D7030234EF}">
<Effect name="Rotate 270 Better" iconid="23" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="left" />
<Param name="Progress" value="0.25" />
<Effect name="Rotate 90 Better" iconid="24" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="right" />
<Param name="Progress" value="0.25" />
Rehan said:
It's worked just as you said it would, but it's stretched the image
slightly. (wider then it should be) Any 'easy' solution to this one?

Doesn't matter if there isn't. At least my neck no longer hurts watching

Hi SecretSquirrel,

There is a solution!

Use my custom effects below to achieve aspect-ratio preserving rotation.
These are static rotations as you want but does not introduce the stretching
as happens with the default Rotate effects.

Hope this helps.


<TransitionsAndEffects Version="1.0" >
<EffectDLL guid="{B4DC8DD9-2CC1-4081-9B2B-20D7030234EF}">
<Effect name="Rotate 270 Better" iconid="23" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="left" />
<Param name="Progress" value="0.25" />
<Effect name="Rotate 90 Better" iconid="24" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="right" />
<Param name="Progress" value="0.25" />

Thanks for the advice, but without meaning to sound totally thick - what
does this all mean? Can I enter this into movie maker or something?

Thanks for the advice, but without meaning to sound totally thick - what
does this all mean? Can I enter this into movie maker or something?

Yes, you can:

1. Create a new folder if it does not already exist, named AddOnTFX under
"C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\"
2. Create a new text file and double click to edit in notepad.
3. Copy/paste the xml code I sent in earlier message in the text file and
save the file.
4. Rename the text file to rotate.xml (the first part of this flename doesnt
matter but extension must be xml)
5. (Re-) start Movie Maker and see if you have two more effects "Rotate 90
Better" and "Rotate 270 Better" in the Effects section.

More detailed information about creating your custom effects and transitions
is available on microsoft site:

Rehan said:
Thanks for the advice, but without meaning to sound totally thick - what
does this all mean? Can I enter this into movie maker or something?

Yes, you can:

1. Create a new folder if it does not already exist, named AddOnTFX under
"C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\Shared\"
2. Create a new text file and double click to edit in notepad.
3. Copy/paste the xml code I sent in earlier message in the text file and
save the file.
4. Rename the text file to rotate.xml (the first part of this flename doesnt
matter but extension must be xml)
5. (Re-) start Movie Maker and see if you have two more effects "Rotate 90
Better" and "Rotate 270 Better" in the Effects section.

More detailed information about creating your custom effects and transitions
is available on microsoft site:


Thanks for that - will try it out tomorrow :-)

i'm also having the same problem with Squirrel

I did as you instructed but i'm still unable to find the new effects in the panel.

I saved that code as an .XML extension and it shows it to be a XML file, any ideas what i could be doing wrong? I restarted MM as stated
finally figured out what was wrong with that code. It's missing two endcodes. the </effects> and </effect>
Jeremy said:
finally figured out what was wrong with that code. It's missing two
endcodes. the </effects> and </effect>

Jeremy thanks for pointing this out. Sorry about the omissions. I copied
pasted from a long effects file!

Here is the correct code (this time I tested it as well :-)):

<TransitionsAndEffects Version="1.0" >
<EffectDLL guid="{B4DC8DD9-2CC1-4081-9B2B-20D7030234EF}">
<Effect name="Rotate 270 Better" iconid="23" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="left" />
<Param name="Progress" value="0.25" />
<Effect name="Rotate 90 Better" iconid="24" >
<Param name="InternalName" value="Simple3D" />
<Param name="RotateA" value="right" />
<Param name="Progress" value="0.25" />

Short Instructions: Copy paste this code to a new text file named rotate.xml
and place the file in the folder: "C:\Program Files\Movie
Maker\Shared\AddOnTFX\". Create the folder if not there. Restart WMM.