sorry i was late for an appt and forgot the post the link...others did.
| JAlbum? My girlfriend's website has one picture on top and the other
| pictures...3 to 5 pictures under the larger picture. The pictures are
| separated by a line. When you click on either of the smaller pictures, that
| picture will move to the top position and become larger. You're thinking why
| don't I ask her? Well, early on I felt that she was not happy with my
| questions about designing a site even though we're miles apart. You know how
| the definition of FRIEND has different meanings depending on the
| circumstances? Well, this made me wonder. And for that reason, I really
| appreciate you FRONTPAGE GODS! She uses Frontpage 2003. Thanks again.
| --
| GoneFishing
| "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > You can if you use's free, customizable, and can be Imported into FP easily.
| >
| >
| >
| > | Alex,
| > |
| > | Thanks. As I have read these pages many times, sometimes I forget where I
| > | read what! I was able insert the photo gallery to get this done. However, I
| > | would like to get the larger picture on top and the smaller pictures below
| > | the larger one. I don't see this information anywhere. Can this be done?
| > | Thanks again!
| > |
| > | GoneFishing
| > |
| > | "Auerbach" wrote:
| > |
| > | > | > | > > Can someone please tell me what part of the FP2003 book (that I've read at
| > | > > least 10 times from cover to cover) can tell me how to make pictures
| > | > > rotate?
| > | > > For example, I have a large picture at the top of a page and 3 small
| > | > > pictures
| > | > > under the large picture. How can I click on either of the small pictures
| > | > > to
| > | > > make it take the place of the large picture? And the large picture
| > | > > becomes
| > | > > the small picture. Hope that makes sense! I call that rotating pictures.
| > | > > What is it called? Is it in the book? Can you please explain how I can
| > | > > do
| > | > > this? As always, I appreciate your help!!!!!
| > | > > GoneFishing
| > | >
| > | > I believe you are simply thinking of one of the standard layouts for a
| > | > Frontpage Photo Gallery. In Microsoft Frontpage 2003 (and earlier versions)
| > | > just create a new web page, then on the Insert menu at the top of the page
| > | > select Web Component, then Photo Gallery. A dialog box then asks you to
| > | > select one of several standard layouts. The third option is "Slideshow," the
| > | > one you want. Then just point-and-click to add your photos to the layout,
| > | > give them captions, and you are done. You can change the layout at any time.
| > | >
| > | > More useful tips here:
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > Alex
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >