Gary Klass
As near as I can tell, the bovey chart labeller comes as Excel add-in.
Unfortunately, the students who use my labs cannot install add ins on
the computers.
Is there a way to convert this to a macro?
Gary Klass
(e-mail address removed)
Editor, PSRT-L
4600 Politics and Government
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois 61790
(309) 438-7852
(fax) 438-7638
The Chart of the Week: http://LILT.ILSTU.EDU/gmklass/cow
Unfortunately, the students who use my labs cannot install add ins on
the computers.
Is there a way to convert this to a macro?
Gary Klass
(e-mail address removed)
Editor, PSRT-L
4600 Politics and Government
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois 61790
(309) 438-7852
(fax) 438-7638
The Chart of the Week: http://LILT.ILSTU.EDU/gmklass/cow