'rogue' styles?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JethroUK
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I'm creating rather a large document

http://jethrouk.members.beeb.net/Induction Checklist 2.7.doc

I am using a table to keep the document in sections - I have also created
two indexes (front & back) to reflect the headings - originally I defined
the headings style as "Heading 1" so i can include this in my indexes

My problem/frustration is that without warning all the styles seem to
change to 'Char1' - They dont appear any different but it will not let me
change the style back to anything else - everything in the document is

I spent the whole of today creating a brand new blank document - copied all
the text into notepad (only way to flush it out) - then copied it to the
blank document as 'normal' text - copy/pasted all the pictures back in -
reset all the bulleted text (one-by-one) - reset all the titles
(one-by-one) - created two new indexes - and now all the styles have
evaporated again - grrrrrrrrrrr!

1/ Whats going on?

2/ I often have to flush out 'rogue' text styles from an exhaustive
word doc - is there quicker way than copy to notepad - and copy back to word
(but retain tables/pics)?
Char styles can be produced when you apply a paragraph style to just part of
a paragraph. When you apply a style, be sure you either have the whole
paragraph selected or have the selection collapsed to just the insertion
It may be quicker to carefully clean out the unlinked (char or para) styles.
First modify the style with char in its name so it is based on "none", and
then delete it. There are several macros available that will do this
automatically, but they don't seem to work when there is an an unlinked
style name with a space as the first character. So you would have to do
that one manually before running the macro to get the rest. I suspect that
your "Char1" is actually " Char1". If it appears at the top of your styles
list, seemingly out of alphabetical order, it has a space in front.
Interestingly, when the unlinked style goes away, Word *usually* shows me the
right style.

Always do this on a copy and check the integrity of the styles and
formatting as you go.

You may have unlinked styles in your normal.dot too. Either force Word to
generate a new one (only if you don't have any macros and other
customizations) or use the technique above to get rid of them.