Glad to be of service!
"Jimmy S." <Private> wrote in message | Hi John,
| 1. Disable any firewall / antivirus software;
| 2. Click My Computer / Rightclick the Drive & Choose Properties
| / Run the "Disk Cleanup..." / Next Click the "Tools" Tab and run
| the "Error-Checking" and "Defragmentation" utilities.
| 3. Try installing again. Good luck!
| --
| Cheers,
| Jimmy S.
| Additional Support Resources: My Helpsite:
| Microsoft Online Tech Support:
| Game FAQ's:;[LN];gms
| My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
| _________________________________________________________
| | | When laoding I get error message failed to extract files
| | from E:\ game This is likely caused by low memorey
| | (low disk space for swapping files)...I ahve a 80 meg
| | hard drive and 756 of ram.. what gives?