Brendon, thank you very much for your reply, but i guess you didnt get me question, i havent done anything at all. i just rolled it out from CD-image, and after trying to riprep it back to the RIS server, i get the "Missing CD Image on server", and that the server that contains the image does not match. -error. So my guess is that maybe there is i type of XP cd i have to use. Either the retail type or another type. And please if anyone could direct me what the correct cd could be. And what is the difference between them. All i know is i dont have to activate my XP Pro on that CD i have. Does it mean that this is the right chois?
----- Brendon Rogers wrote: ----
This message usual indicates the original RIS image on the server and th
RIPREP image differ either by service pack or hotfix
Astrit Norway CCNP said:
I made a flat slipstreamed cd image on my RIS server, and i am able to ru
it from PXE and install it on my computer. But when i run riprep, after NO
doing any changes at all, i get the error message "Missing CD Image o
server", and that the server that contains the image does not match. An
another thing a am wondering about is if the XP CD i have is a WLM o
retail. All i know is i dont have to activate my XP Pro on that CD i have
Thanx in advanc