Ripping audio from clip

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Capture the video and drag it to the timeline but drag it to the AUDIO part
of the timeline not the VIDEO part. Then with nothing at all on the VIDEO
line save by pressing CTRL+P or clicking "Save to my computer" when the save
movie wizard starts and you get to the save options portion you will be
saving it as a WMA (Audio) file.
chevy_big_block_bro said:
For some reason it wont show up in the audio time line

I'm trying to take the audio (spoken voice) from an interview I filmed
and run it while showing video and photos. I'd also like to have the
soundtrack music running at a low volume at the same time. I dragged
the interview segment to the "Audio/Music" part of the timeline and it
worked perfectly -- the voice stayed as an audio element and the video
was gone. I also tried to drag the audio part of the interview into the
"Audio" part of the timeline (this would seemingly allow me to use the
soundtrack music normally) however the video could not be deleted.

Now how do I put the music into the timeline to play at the same time?

Thanks in advance.

You need to do this in 2 passes. The first part you did correctly (dragging
the interview to the Audio/Music) but now you need to save the movie to your
hard drive and reimport it. Drag it back to the timeline and NOW you can
drag any other audio you want to add once again to the audio/music part of
the timeline. If you try to drag a clip with audio and video to the "Audio"
timeline it won't work it needs to be to the "Audio/Music" portion.
Thanks, Wojo.

What do you mean by "save the movie to my hard drive and reimport it?"
When I save my movie I just save it in MovieMaker2. To show it, I save
it back to my digital camcorder and connect that to whatever system I'm
showing it on.

Well when you are trying to work with 2 or more audio tracks, doing so in 2
passes as I suggested, then you need to save it to your harddrive (this will
combine the audio and video so the audio that WAS on the audio/music
timeline will now be on the audio timeline) and then import it into Movie
Maker again from your harddrive. As said above when you drag the clip to the
timeline now the audio/music portion will be empty again and the audio
portion will contain all our audio. This will allow you to place another
soundtrack into the audio/music portion once again and adjust the volume
appropriately before saving your movie.
I hope that made sense, I started getting dizzy writing it! :-)
Thanks for you patience -- I apologize for being so "dense!"

I still don't understand what you mean when you say "save my movie to
my hard drive and reimport it." As I said, when I save my movie I just
select "save project" within the moviemaker program.

Also, if I were to save the movie and then reimport it in order to have
a free audio track, wouldn't that mean that my re-saved movie would no
longer be made up of all the individual elements and would be just one
long clip -- and I'd no longer have the ability to adjust/edit all the
individual pieces?

If this is true then adding music beneath narration would -- by
necessity -- have to be the very last thing you do to a movie --

You don't want to save the "project" you want to save the movie.
Either select "Save to my computer" from the task list on the left, click
File -> Save movie file, or simply press CTRL+P to open the save movie
wizard. This will create a WMV or AVI (preferably an AVI) file to your hard
drive. Then click "Import Video" and navigate to where ever you chose to
save the movie and import it. The movie will then show up in your
collections. From there you can drag it back to the timeline and add the
next audio component.