Rip Off or what..?

Apr 19, 2008
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A mate of mine that lives out in HAmmersmith, West London had his nice shiny car set on fire about a month or so ago. Luckily for him his insurance paid out pretty quick and he has a new car..
Anyway, he has recived a letter from Hammersmith & Fulham council saying they will be invoicing him for damages to the tarmac where his car was parked and the fire damaged the tar...Here's the joke though. The area of tar that has been damaged is probably just less than 2 meters squared...Hammersmith & Fulham have put the damages down to roughly £4000.. I think they are having a bit of a bubble...He is seeking council though. I wonder hopw many times they have got away with something like that..? Or how many idiots there are that would have paid that without even batting an eyelid..?
Yeah I would have thought that would have to be covered by the insurance too? Did the tarmac look particularly damaged?
Ian Cunningham said:
Yeah I would have thought that would have to be covered by the insurance too? Did the tarmac look particularly damaged?

I would have thought that to, but it isn't, thats another thing he is going to be investigating...
In all honesty you could probably pick up a couple of bags of ready tar from B & Q and reapir the damage yourself. But the council say it needs to be dug up etc to see if heat has damaged below tar level...
Madxgraphics said:
A mate of mine that lives out in HAmmersmith, West London had his nice shiny car set on fire about a month or so ago. Luckily for him his insurance paid out pretty quick and he has a new car..
Anyway, he has recived a letter from Hammersmith & Fulham council saying they will be invoicing him for damages to the tarmac where his car was parked and the fire damaged the tar...Here's the joke though. The area of tar that has been damaged is probably just less than 2 meters squared...Hammersmith & Fulham have put the damages down to roughly £4000.. I think they are having a bit of a bubble...He is seeking council though. I wonder hopw many times they have got away with something like that..? Or how many idiots there are that would have paid that without even batting an eyelid..?

The more I read of what the councils get up to the more I think they are just a broke as the governament is. Or it could be that they give their "top" men such huge wages and pension packages that they have to get the money in by what ever means they can.And if that means "charging" their residents through the nose for a five minute job so be it.What would happen if the chap can`t pay or can`t afford it,I suppose they would take him to court and waste more council money. They are truly barmy. Some few years ago we were paying our council tax and by accident we left off the cheque 1p. A few days later we got a final demand, for that penny,in the post.The cost of the stamp on the notice to us asking for that 1p,was at the time,19 pence!! As I said truly barmy.
historian :(
His insurance will cover it as it is all part of the fire claim ;)

Everyone does this kind of thing now - if you get injured in an Road Traffic Collision and go to hospital even the NHS send you a bill these days too for your insurance to sort out.
A sad state of affairs - small wonder our insurance premiums are so high and all claims so keenly contested.

Having said that my recent claim where my car's damages exceeded the cost of repairs and was thus written off was completely painless. They settled quickly, even offered £50.00 more than I expected and offered a very reasonable buy-back figure.

However, I had no less than three phone calls asking me if I had been injured in the accident from the insurance company and one call from who I would assume was a third party company looking to persuade me to make a claim. I told them all to go forth and multiply.

I think I've mentioned this instance before on the forum actually but I'm still quite amazed at how people's greed and avaraice pushes up the cost of everybody's insurance premium. I note with great sadness accident claim centres have sprung up everywhere.

The name of my insurance company was the Royal Sun Alliance, btw, if anybody's interested.

So the council now claims for heat damaged tar even if if wasn't the vehicle owner's fault. They always used to get by with rate-payer's money didn't they?

I could go into politics and start berating single father refugee lesbian jedi follicly-handicapped persons day centres but I won't ;)
floppybootstomp said:
I could go into politics and start berating single father refugee lesbian jedi follicly-handicapped persons day centres but I won't ;)

Aaaaaawwww go on Flopp's...:D You know you want too..:nod:
But the council say it needs to be dug up etc to see if heat has damaged below tar level

Now thats a bloody lie:nod: have you not seen the way they repair pot holes> bag of tarmac fill the bloody hole and bang it with a shovel>the next vehicle drives over the repair and up it comes stuck to the bloody wheels of the vehicle spread all over the vehicle wings the pavement and anything else in the way they may aswell fill it with horse manure same as the shyte they use....:mad:
Rant over.
PS the insurance should cover it if not try household insurance?