I have a report in an Access 2003 SP2 Data Project on a Windows XP SP2 machine.
The ADP connects to a SQL Server 2000 database.
The report has the following InputParameters :-
@StartDate datetime=Forms!frmDateRangeSelector!dtpStartDate, @EndDate
When I run the report as a sysadmin of the SQL Server, the report is fine.
If I run the report as a stanadard user where they only have rights to Select
and Execute the SP I get the following message in Access:-
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an
out-of-range datetime value.
Any ideas what SQL rights or setting would stop the conversion?
The ADP connects to a SQL Server 2000 database.
The report has the following InputParameters :-
@StartDate datetime=Forms!frmDateRangeSelector!dtpStartDate, @EndDate
When I run the report as a sysadmin of the SQL Server, the report is fine.
If I run the report as a stanadard user where they only have rights to Select
and Execute the SP I get the following message in Access:-
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an
out-of-range datetime value.
Any ideas what SQL rights or setting would stop the conversion?