Rightclick in all program menu



It used to work, but now it doesn't.

When I go to Start - All Programs, and right click, there
is a brief flash, but no window opens up so that I can
create a shortcut or lok at properties, etc.

I can do these things from the desktop or anywhere else,
and I know I could do it in All Programs before. What

Wesley Vogel

If your right click menu is missing.....

XP Start Menu >>
Right click the Start button | Properties |
Start Menu tab | Customize button | Advanced tab |
Scroll down to and Check: Enable dragging and dropping |

Classic Start Menu >>
Right click the Start button | Properties |
Start Menu tab | Customize button |
Scroll down to and Check: Enable dragging and dropping |

[[Specifies whether you can drag items to the Start
menu.]] Also disables right click menu if UNChecked.

If XP Pro...

You can use the Group Policy editor (Gpedit.msc) under the following
location to configure Start menu features:
User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Start Menu and Taskbar

The registry entries are DWORD values. A value of 1 is enabled, and a value
of 0 is disabled.

Policy: Disable drag-and-drop menus on the Start Menu
Description: Prevents users from modifying the Start menu by dragging and
dropping items. Other methods of customizing the Start menu are still
Registry Value: "NoChangeStartMenu"

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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