After clicking open an adult oriented e-card (a
girlfriend of mine thought would be funny to send me), I
had a bunch of pop-ups that I was trying to close down
for a half hour. The next thing I know- now whenever I
right click on a web page with IE open, one of the
options in my dialogue box is to visit a Porn Site. How
do I get rid of this, and go back to my old fashioned
Right Click menu?
Thanks for your help!
girlfriend of mine thought would be funny to send me), I
had a bunch of pop-ups that I was trying to close down
for a half hour. The next thing I know- now whenever I
right click on a web page with IE open, one of the
options in my dialogue box is to visit a Porn Site. How
do I get rid of this, and go back to my old fashioned
Right Click menu?
Thanks for your help!