Right Click Delay



Im running Win XP Pro, 1gb Ram, AMD Athlon 2600, Radeon 9800 Pro video.

I am having a problem whwre I click on any file and right click such as
to rename, delete, copy, open with, etc. It takes from 5sec to 30 sec
befor the menu appears. I have 30 items in the open with menue.

After a reinstall of XP I dont have this problem until It runs a couple
of months or untill maby I installed somethingthat slowed it down.
Im tired of reinstalling XP from scratch to get rid of this problem.

I have run reg and deleted unuesed entries and broken links etc. No
Viruses, no adawere that I know about. I have a router and virus checker
as well as adaware.

Anybody have any Idea whats causing it?



It took a while but I found that my problem was related to my
network and there was a pointer to a program on the wifes computer in
the network that was normally off. This was the problem. I deleted the
reg entry and now I have normal right click times.

Thanks that was a real pain in the AZZ

Wesley Vogel

Glad you got it figured out. Keep having fun. :)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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