Right click - delay


Marek Gorecki

Recently I have restored my Windows2000 from my ghost
image. The image is 4 months old. I had to make some
updates. Restored system worked well until I installed
service pack 4. Now takes 30 sec. to access a menu from
the right click on the icon. After I disabled network
connection right click came back to normal and takes about
1 sec. Enabled local area connection again - takes 30 sec.
Finally I decided to remove service pack 4 from my system
and problem is solved. Please give me any tip to solve
this problem - removing SP 4 is only a temporary solution.

Steven Jones

tried diabling the fade and animation affects?
i normally do as they can lag the gui

Bob I

There was recently an issue like this due to a specific update from
Norton anti-virus which was corrected by a following update from them.
Perhaps you got the first one and not the second one.


If you have IIS running, try disabling SMTP, www publishing, FTP
publishing and IIS admin services.

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