Right click cotext menu's

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tommy
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How do I add programs to right click menu's?
I mean something like having 'Programs' entry that would expand
(like 'New') and contain links to programs.
Using TweakUI Powertoy, Templates menu.
TweakUI v2.00 for Windows XP/XP MCE [564 KB].

TweakUI v2.10 for Windows XP SP1/XP MCE/2003 [147 KB].

More Information:

BTW, those are not links to Programs, but templates for the document.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User

Windows 2000 Group Policy Registry Table:


How do I add programs to right click menu's?
I mean something like having 'Programs' entry that would expand
(like 'New') and contain links to programs.

Thanks Ramesh, but it came to misunderstanding, you have and
havent answerd my question. My english is not that good, so I
can't blame you :) Thouh info is very detailed I didn't found
the thing I was looking for..just got lost in all those
links...and by the time I figure that up I'll pobably get old :)

So I'll try to explain, I'v edited the
'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Shell' key by adding the 2 new
subkeys, e.g. new key named 'notepad' >new subkey 'command' with
value 'c:\windows\notepad.exe', so when I righ-click on the
start button(or any folder in Explorer) I can select 'notepad'
and that prog. will run. (I'm just running a plain .exe file,
without those 'switches').

I used this way to add few more progs, and the menu started to
look..well, not nice, so I thought maybe it was possible to
somehow place all that programs under one menu that would
'expand' (submenu?) so they would all be under
same....'tree'(can't find the right word, hope you understand
where I'm going with this). And when mentioning 'new' I was only
refering to the way I would like that too look like.

Uh, like I said, my english...gibberish.