
  • Thread starter Thread starter Max Christian
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Max Christian

The following code produces the exception "Not implemented" when
RotateFlip is called. Am I doing something wrong?

Protected mf As System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile
Dim a As System.Reflection.Assembly
a = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly
Dim str As Stream
str = a.GetManifestResourceStream(wmfName)
mf = New System.Drawing.Imaging.Metafile(str)

It doesn't make any difference what RotateFlipType I specify, the
exception is the same. So to me it looks like RotateFlip on Metafiles
is fully documented but in fact entirely unimplemented. Surely this
can't really be the case?

Thanks for any help,

Max Christian
I don't see any documentation pages on Metafile.RotateFlip. RotateFlip is
defined on Image, so it's highly possible that a specific subclass such as a
Metafile does not allow certain operations.
Nope :). Click on it, it goes to Image.RotateFlip.

That link just says "RotateFlip (inherited from Image)".

Michael Giagnocavo said:

The point is that RotateFlip's membership of Metafile (*not* Image) is
specifically documented on the page I gave you. It should not be, or,
even better, the documentation should read "This is not implemented".

How else are we to know what is and is not implemented other than via
the documentation?


Max Christian
I agree. It'd definately be nice to know which methods are not implemented
without actually having to run them.
