Event 16645
The maximum account identifier allocated to this domain
controller has been assigned. The domain controller has
failed to obtain a new identifier pool. A possible reason
for this is that the domain controller has been unable to
contact the master domain controller. Account creation on
this controller will fail until a new pool has been
allocated. There may be network or connectivity problems
in the domain, or the master domain controller may be
offline or missing from the domain. Verify that the master
domain controller is running and connected to the domain.
This is the problem that we are facing. We are not able to
add any objects to the ADS.
We have tried changing the RID block size values in the
registry as suggested by Microsoft but still the problem
persists. Whenever the users on domain queries frequently
to the DC, the Directory service stops and we need to
restart the DC to restore. Is there any possibility of
increasing RID block size without adding a child domain.
The maximum account identifier allocated to this domain
controller has been assigned. The domain controller has
failed to obtain a new identifier pool. A possible reason
for this is that the domain controller has been unable to
contact the master domain controller. Account creation on
this controller will fail until a new pool has been
allocated. There may be network or connectivity problems
in the domain, or the master domain controller may be
offline or missing from the domain. Verify that the master
domain controller is running and connected to the domain.
This is the problem that we are facing. We are not able to
add any objects to the ADS.
We have tried changing the RID block size values in the
registry as suggested by Microsoft but still the problem
persists. Whenever the users on domain queries frequently
to the DC, the Directory service stops and we need to
restart the DC to restore. Is there any possibility of
increasing RID block size without adding a child domain.