RichTextBox and Paste

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel Bello Urizarri
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Daniel Bello Urizarri

How can i prevent images for been pasted on a richtextbox? As i have seen,
all methods involving Paste and CanPaste operations are not virtual, so I
can not override its behavior.

I also want to prevent that users paste anithing but plain text.. Don't want
text with format, urls, diferent fonts. So i would like to filter what can
be pasted on the control..

Is there any way? Or I must override WndProc and work like if I was working
on win32.

(DataFormats.Text) == true)
.... paste

Thanks Phil, but your answer is not exactly what Im Asking.. Take a look at
this code (the one im using now):

private void rtb_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs
if (( e.KeyCode == Keys.V && e.Control ) ||
( e.KeyCode == Keys.Insert && e.Shift ))
IDataObject dobj = Clipboard.GetDataObject ();
if ( dobj != null )
string data = dobj.GetData ( typeof ( string )) as string ;
if ( data != null )
rtb.Paste ( DataFormats.GetFormat ( DataFormats.Text));
e.Handled = true;

It will work fine on Windows where the paste operations is done by pressing
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert. But ¿If i have a system with a different key
combination or some other sort of input method...

I would like to know if there is any way to be notifyed when a "Paste"
operation is about to happen, so I can do my work.