Rich Text Box




Anyone know what a 'Rich Text Box' is or how to use it?

Would it, for example, let you display text in a text box (or
equivalent) without a cursor and with a scroll bar ?

Thanks - Kirk

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

My main area of expertise is in the compiled version of Visual Basic and we
have access to the Rich TextBox from within that language. What I am not
sure of is if the Rich TextBox I have access to was delivered with my copy
of the compiled version of Visual Basic or whether it came with Windows and
VB simply gives me access to it. The point I am trying to make is that I
don't know if the Rich TextBox is universally available or not. With that
said, I just tried adding it to a UserForm and was successful in doing so
(although I did get a warning about it being an ActiveX control and that
such a control could be dangerous). If you have the compiled version of VB
installed, or if it turns out that it is delivered with Windows
automatically, then you will be able to put it in the UserForm's toolbox by
right-clicking the toolbox and selecting "Additional Controls" from the menu
that pops up. The name of the control, if you have access to it, is called
Microsoft Rich Textbox Control 6.0. Once you have done that, you can add as
many of them to your UserForm(s) as you need.

This link will give you an overview of what the Rich TextBox is...

This link will take you to the online help file for the Rich TextBox


Peter T

A Rich Text Box enables something akin to html text formatting. It's highly
effective but a bit tricky and there are potential security problems in
later versions. From memory the cursor will flash in the box.

Didn't the use of a Frame work for you as I suggested in your other recent
post, it seemed to work fine for me.

Peter T

Peter T

A Rich Text Box enables something akin to html text formatting. It's highly
effective but a bit tricky and there are potential security problems in
later versions. From memory the cursor will flash in the box.

Didn't the use of a Frame work for you as I suggested in your other recent
post, it seemed to work fine for me.

Peter T


To Peter & Rick,

Apologies, I someow missed both your answers to my last question about
this and have only seen them now.

Yes I tried Setting focus elswehere as Rick desribed and found the
same problem. I'd prefer not to try the Rich Text Box route, if
possible, as it sounds quite daunting. Peter, your Frame method may
be the best solution especailly if it worked for you.

I'm just about to give it a try. Will report back.

Thanks - Kirk


Hi Peter,
Didn't the use of a Frame work for you as I suggested in your other recent
post, it seemed to work fine for me.

Wow, not only does it work but it's a breeze to program and does
exactly what I was hoping for.

I've been over 2 months looking for this.... I'm staggered it was
achievable, let alone so easily.

Isn't it bloody amazing what we don't know ? :)
Many thanks - beers all 'round!

Cheers - Kirk

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