Donald Anadell said:
Don't know if this will help you or not, I'm assuming you have Office 2000
since that's the only version that uses "data1.msi". From what I recall
that file should be on CD.
Thanks for this Donald. It is indeed Offivce 2000, and data1.msi certainly
is on the CD - I can see it there, plain as anything. But the update
installation process won't accept it.
Following the second of your two links, although not solving the problem,
has given me a clue. It seems that the data1.msi file on one CD is not
necessarily the same as on another. I now remember that when Office 2000 was
installed on this computer last year (it was new then), it was installed by
the computer shop for me - and I think they didn't use my CD (which would
have been a couple of years old, then), but one of theirs.
I'm now guessing that their Office 2000 CD was a more recent version than
mine, and had a different version of data1.msi on it. And so the version on
my CD won't be the right one. So .... Either I need to ask the computer shop
to let me have a copy of data1.msi from one of their CDs (I don't know if
that's possible); or, I need to uninstall Office 2000 and reinstall it from
my CD, in order to get the right version of data1.msi on my hard drive.
Does this make sense to anyone?