revise to not include attchmnt

  • Thread starter Thread starter geebee
  • Start date Start date



i would like to know how i can revise the following so that an attachment is
not included in the email:

Sub HTMLtest()


' Outlook objects
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application
Dim l_Msg As MailItem
Dim colAttach As Outlook.Attachments
Dim l_Attach As Outlook.Attachment
Dim oSession As Object 'MAPI.Session
' CDO objects
Dim oMsg As Object 'MAPI.Message
Dim oAttachs As Object 'MAPI.Attachments
Dim oAttach As Object 'MAPI.Attachment
Dim colFields As Object 'MAPI.Fields
Dim oField As Object 'MAPI.Field
Dim strEntryID As String
' create new Outlook MailItem
Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set l_Msg = objApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
' add graphic as attachment to Outlook message
' change path to graphic as needed

Set colAttach = l_Msg.Attachments
Set l_Attach = colAttach.Add("C:\DD\test.gif")
l_Msg.Close olSave
strEntryID = l_Msg.EntryID
Set l_Msg = Nothing
' *** POSITION CRITICAL *** you must dereference the
' attachment objects before changing their properties
' via CDO
Set colAttach = Nothing
Set l_Attach = Nothing
' initialize CDO session
On Error Resume Next
Set oSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
oSession.Logon "", "", False, False
' get the message created earlier
Set oMsg = oSession.GetMessage(strEntryID)
' set properties of the attached graphic that make
' it embedded and give it an ID for use in an <IMG> tag

Set oAttachs = oMsg.Attachments
Set oAttach = oAttachs.Item(1)
Set colFields = oAttach.Fields

'Set oField = colFields.Add(CdoPR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG, "image/jpeg")
Set oField = colFields.Add(&H3712001E, "myident")
oMsg.Fields.Add "{0820060000000000C000000000000046}0x8514", 11, True
' get the Outlook MailItem again
Set l_Msg = objApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetItemFromID(strEntryID)
' add HTML content -- the <IMG> tag

l_Msg.CC = "(e-mail address removed)"

Dim emailTITLE As String
emailTITLE = "report" & Selection.Characters.Text

l_Msg.Subject = emailTITLE

Dim BDY2 As String
BDY2 = "note of test."

Dim BDY3 As String
BDY3 = "How to login:"

Dim BDY4 As String
BDY4 = "this is a test."

Dim BDY5 As String
BDY5 = "retest:"

Dim BDY6 As String
BDY6 = "testing. "

Dim BDY7 As String
BDY7 = "test"

Dim BDY8 As String
BDY8 = "Summary"

Dim BDY9 As String
BDY9 = "test:"

Dim BDY10 As String
BDY10 = "test"

l_Msg.HTMLBody = "<html><p><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face =
""arial"">" _
& emailTITLE & "</font><br>" _
& "<font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY2 & "</font>" _
& "</p>" _
& "<font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY3 & "</font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY4 & "</font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY5 & "</font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY6 & "</font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY7 & "</font>" _
& "<br><br><font size=""2"" color=""999999"" face = ""arial""><b>" _
& BDY8 & "</b></font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY9 & "</font>" _
& "<br><font size=""1"" color=""336699"" face = ""arial"">" _
& BDY10 & "</font><br><br>" _
& "<img src=""C:\DD\test.gif"">"
l_Msg.Close (olSave)
' clean up objects
Set oField = Nothing
Set colFields = Nothing
Set oMsg = Nothing
Set oSession = Nothing
Set objApp = Nothing
Set l_Msg = Nothing
End Sub

thanks in advance,
delete all references to attachments etc. but might as well start again, try

Public Sub mySendmail()
Dim FileExtStr As String
Dim iMsg As Object
Dim iConf As Object

Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

With iMsg
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.From = """somebody"" <[email protected]>"
.Subject = "My Subject for " & Format(myDate, "mmmm d")
.TextBody = "Please see attached." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "somebody"
& _
Chr(13) & "My Job Description" & Chr(13) & "My Company" & Chr(13) & _
"My Address" & Chr(13) & "Tel:(888) 512-1111" & Chr(13) &
"(e-mail address removed)"
.AddAttachment myDir & myFile 'OMIT THIS LINE IF ATTACHMENT NOT
End With
End Sub