I ran into the same problem just this morning. Every time I pulled up 2
specific documents, they came up showing the "markup". I found the fix in F1
help, but here it is:
1. Open the document.
2. If it is not already showing, show the "Reviewing" toolbar.
3. Select "Final". It probably shows "Final with Markup".
4. Now, go to "Tools" on the word menu.
5. From the Tools menu drop down, select "Options".
6. From the Options menu, select the "Security" tab.
7. On the Security tab, UNCHECK the box to the left of the "Make hidden
markup visible when opening or saving" field, which is towards the bottom of
the dialog box.
8. Save the document.
9. Close the document and re-open. It should open normally now.
NOTE: If you find that this box is -not- checked, I found that you have to
check it, save the document, close and re-open the document, then uncheck it,
save the document and re-open to fix. This is on a "Per Document" basis, so
you will have to perform these procedures for every document you have that is
doing this.
Hope this helps.